A MOTHER is urging GPs to wise up on the symptoms of brain tumours after struggling for more than a year to get her son’s cancer diagnosed.

Cheryl Davis battled GPs and hospital staff to get her son Miles – who was five at the time – to get a brain scan to diagnose his illness.

She said: “He was sick every day for 18 months and lost half-a-stone in weight. If parents know their children aren’t well, they should not be palmed off by GPs.”

Mrs Davis eventually had to offer to pay for Miles to be scanned when the staff at the Horton Hospital in Banbury refused. Miles was finally diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2010.

Mrs Davis, from Launton, near Bicester, said: “We can’t expect GPs to know everything, and lots of children are sick, but it’s getting that information out there.”

The HeadSmart campaign supplying cards spelling out the symptoms of brain tumours in young children, and Mrs Davis wants every GP to have one.

She said: “A month can make the difference with cancer, especially in young children. Hopefully, in future they will be diagnosed and treated quickly.”

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