YOUNGSTERS at Magdalen College School took a step back in time by turning up to school in Victorian attire.

Pupils and teachers alike embraced Victorian Day on Friday, which revolved around the strict Victorian rules, while the day's lessons were based on the schooling of the time.

The boys enjoyed lessons in reading, writing, arithmetic, music, cookery catechism - the principles of Christianity - and played games of the era before munching on Victoria Sponge with their friends.

Tom Giles, 11, said: "It was a really fun day and I would love to do it again, but I wouldn’t like to have been at school in Victorian times."

Charles Newbury, the junior school director of studies, said he believed it is important to make History exciting for students by bringing it to life.

He said: "When you act things out and immerse yourself in another era that really happens.

"Hopefully, the boys will remember this Victorian day for the rest of their life."