METHODIST CHURCH: Mr H Trezise took the morning service on Sunday. Pene Oates read the lesson and accompanist was Sybil Benney, the flowers were provided by Ann Gendall.

On Sunday at 11am there is a Fellowship Service at the chapel.

VILLAGE HALL: Events this week: Thursday, 9am, Post Office and Cury Village Hall coffee morning with Stalls to support Jadine’s Thailand Project; Friday, 7.30pm, quiz night - teams of up to four, £4 per team, refreshments and licensed bar, proceeds for the village hall, contact Jeanette to book your team on 01326240045.

Monthly whist drive on Thursday, April 18 at 7.30pm with MC Ian James - refreshments and raffle, entry £1. Thursday, April 25, eyes down at 7.30pm for Cash Prize Bingo.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: From Sheep to Cloth was the title of the very interesting talk given to members on Thursday evening by Sandra Goodswen. Jenny Smith, president, welcomed members and several visitors.

She reminded members of the open meeting on Thursday at 7pm when Kevin Thomas BBC Radio Cornwall weatherman will be giving a talk. We will be hostess to Helston and Mullion WIs.

The results of the competition for a knitted or crochet item: 1, Mo Berryman; 2, Brenda Lawrance; 3, Tricia Monks. Flower of the Month: 1, Rita Calvert; 2, Frances Johns; 3, Brenda Lawrance.

On May 2 there is Resolutions to be discussed with a bring-and-buy stall for our institute funds.