YOU have to admire Alan Wharton’s honesty and the way he has shed light on the plight of sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease.

It’s perhaps unusual for a 72-year-old grandfather to be posting a video on YouTube, but the Internet can be accessed by anyone and there is probably no better way of getting his message across to thousands.

Mr Wharton’s song can only hint at the pain and frustration he has experienced over the past 25 years.

But it’s a great way of spreading awareness of the degenerative disease, which affects an estimated 12,000 people in Oxfordshire.

Back in 1998, Mr Wharton started the Oxford and District branch of Parkinson’s UK and 14 years on he is still dedicated to helping other sufferers.

Raising awareness of the symptoms of the disease, and how it hits sufferers and their families, can only be a good thing.