Sir, The holiday weekend delayed reading the Herald of April 30 but I read with much interest the letter from Richard Polley.

Just had to see this new and ‘exciting’ artwork. Viewing it from all sides, slowly. What a disappointment. It is in the wrong place.

The Swirl may be ‘a thing of beauty’ and with bright blue skies, summer sunshine to show off its gleaming shape and structure, it could be amazing. Here, it has ugly buildings and shopfronts as a backcloth.

This artwork is a ‘miss’ for Didcot and the cost, £85,000 is surely amazing. An apple, a suitable subject for the Orchard Centre, a sculpture sited on the ground smooth and touchable.

Small children love to feel different surfaces, eyes will light up with smiles of joy and wonderment. Sculptures, even standing stones, can be special to touch, something magical can be felt.

I am sad for Didcot.

Heather Butler

Ernest Road
