Sir, As I understand it, district councils have an obligation to plan for future housing. We have seen locally the impact of the failure to plan properly with the dreadful example of housing being allowed on appeal at Drayton Road.

I can understand that there will be disagreement, and even occasional hostility to the locations put forward in our district council plan, but what I am not hearing or reading are practical suggestions for alternative locations.

We are extremely fortunate that we live not only in a very beautiful part of the country, but one that is also economically very successful. The new jobs being created are giving our children and grandchildren opportunities that are denied to those living in less successful locations, and they need somewhere to live. None of this should be a political issue. The need for more homes is undeniable, and a cohesive and positive approach is what is needed.

There are difficult decisions to be made, and a public examination still to take place, but if we don’t have our own plan, we will remain at the mercy of unplanned housing at potentially worse locations.

Dennis Garrett

Long Alley Almshouses

St Helen’s Churchyard
