Sir – In letters about the migrant/refugee crisis your correspondents refer to the impact of numbers of people coming to our country on UK residents and British citizens, and the supposed consequences for our economy and public services.

I think we need to remind ourselves that we British are made up of a rich mixture of people coming from all over the world throughout the ages – from the Anglo-Saxons to more recent Polish and East European immigrants and everyone in between.

All have contributed to the rich and vibrant society we have today, and have made and do make a net contribution financially and socially.

Please could we think of the people currently seeking a better life here or elsewhere in Europe as fellow human beings who need our help and understanding, rather than focusing on our own fears – often unfounded.

Anne Dodd rightly identified the arms industry and the Government’s support for it as key factors leading to the exodus from Syria. I would also point out that the problems of housing and overstretched public services identified by your correspondents are the result of Government policy and bankers’ greed, and it is these that we should be discussing rather blaming the refugees/migrants who, after all, only have the same aspirations as we all do.

Maggie Winters
Old Barn Close