Sir – So rarely do we read cheering news in the press that I should like to record how encouraged I was by two connected stories in the Herald’s last issue.

First was the news that the ill-conceived Abingdon Hydro project had been scrapped and the second that, for commercial reasons, the hideous prospect of ever more fields of solar panels may have slightly diminished.

Can we hope that the hysteria of the doom-mongers regarding non-existent man-made global warming might soon take its place in history alongside the many past false apocalyptic prophesies eg bird flu, the Millennium bug, giant asteroid strikes etc? Sadly much irreversible and mega-expensive damage has been and continues to be done in the name of stopping “catastrophic climate change”.

Shall we soon sit in the cold and dark to contemplate the forlorn ruins of once productive, perfectly innocent power stations beside the hopelessly ineffective wind and solar farms that supposedly replaced them?

I doubt the present vocal band of carbon-cutting wind and water farmers will be so public then.

I recall that a couple of years ago one such Abingdon Hydro promoter in the market square imperiously informed me that he was “a scientist” and that I “obviously didn’t understand the problem”.

Apparently neither did they!

Alan Bourne
Steventon Road