OXFORD city councillors who are due to debate whether to back striking post workers in Oxford have been handed a memo from Royal Mail managers.

Tomorrow, all 48 councillors are due to take a vote on whether to back the Communication Workers' Union in its battle with management over changes in working practices and pay.

The city council will be debating the issue after Independent Working Class Association leader Stuart Craft called an emergency meeting.

But in a letter circulated to councillors, Royal Mail manager Michael Devanny said: "I would like to reassure you we have done everything we can over the last 18 months to engage with the CWU on the future of Royal Mail, and to ensure that they properly understand the commercial realities we now face in an open and increasingly competitive market.

"The strike action has been damaging to our business and our customers."

Mr Craft said: "If Royal Mail succeeds in its attempt to drive down wages and make substantial job cuts, this will have a detrimental effect on the quality of service for all."