A SOUTH Oxfordshire village community group has been delivering hot food, prescriptions, going shopping and walking dogs for the elderly and vulnerable since the pandemic started almost a year ago.

The Cholsey Volunteer Group is active daily and operates a small food bank in the village.

Volunteers deliver up to 20 hot meals a day to the elderly and vulnerable, the group also delivers more than 50 food boxes and treat bags each week, have a daily prescription delivery service, do shopping and dog walking.

The volunteer group is also just there to provide good company and has a team of befrienders to call elderly residents for a chat.

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The group was set up by the Cholsey Coronavirus Support Group made up of various organisations in the village including; The Cholsey Day Centre, COPA, The Parish Council and Cholsey Church.

The group is based at the Cholsey Day Centre and its support has grown rapidly. Now the village group has more than 200 volunteers on its books.

Volunteers have provided much-needed support during the pandemic, but the group officer wants to help beyond Covid.

Jane Tyndall, the Cholsey Volunteers Development Officer said: “We also have long term plans for the group to continue post Covid, as a support to the residents of the village in any form that is needed.

“We have been lucky to have received some grants and donations that will enable us to continue the good work we have been doing.”