It's time to celebrate Oxfordshire’s dads.

Whether it’s their dad jokes, or their ability to just know what needs to be done, they deserve a moment in the spotlight.

Over the last year, during the pandemic, many of us have had to keep our distance or go some time without being able to see them.

The Herald series wants to celebrate these special men in your life, with a photo supplement ahead of this year’s Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20.

To show your dad how much you love him, all you need to do is send us a ‘selfie with dad’, and tell us what makes him the best in your eyes.

The picture can be the last one you took together during the lockdowns or a favourite picture.

Editor Pete Gavan said: “We want to see the best selfies of dads and their children, so if you want to feature in our supplement, then please get involved and send yours in.”

Please email your dad selfie pictures to