David Johnston MP has launched a constituency-wide survey to ask people to tell him where they are seeing issues on local roads that need to be resolved.

Mr Johnston intends to use the data to comprise a complete map of all issues pertaining to local roads. He will then share this with Oxfordshire County Council and Highways and press for action to be taken.

Suggested issues include potholes, congestion, speeding and other safety concerns.

The MP has been campaigning for road improvements since he was first elected, having met with the roads minister and representatives from the county council on numerous occasions to discuss, in addition to holding a debate about the A34 and A420 in Parliament.

READ MORE: Fearful couple urges county council to fix potholes on major town route

The survey can be accessed on the MP’s website.

David Johnston OBE MP said: “When I am out and about each week one of the most frequent conversations I have with local people is that our roads seem so much worse than when we drive in other parts of the country.

"I experience the problems myself when I drive around our area and I have been campaigning to improve our roads since I was elected.

 “Although the Government has consistently given Oxfordshire more money to fix potholes, there is more to do.

 “I want to pull together a complete map of all the issues we are facing and where. The more people who take part, the better data to make our case, so please do take part.”