A school which teaches youngsters who have been excluded from other schools was praised for showing students “a brighter future ahead of them” by Ofsted.

Meadowbrook College has been rated ‘good’ by the national education standards body following an inspection at the start of November.

The school caters for children and teenagers who have been permanently excluded from a mainstream school, are on the verge of being excluded, or are finding it difficult to fully access mainstream education.

Herald Series: Meadowbrook College in Banbury

Meadowbrook is based in four sites across Oxfordshire, with the main campus in Raymund Road, off Marston Ferry Road in Oxford.

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The other sites are in Abingdon, Kidlington and Banbury.

The Alternative Provision (AP) Academy, which teaches 101 youngsters aged between five and 16, was also rated ‘good’ after previous inspections in 2018, 2012 and 2009.

The latest Ofsted report noted: “When pupils join the school, their confidence and self-esteem are typically at a low ebb. The school gives them a fresh start to their education.

“Pupils develop renewed hope and see a brighter future ahead of them. They are helped to overcome a fear of failure.

"High staff ratios and effective support help pupils to regulate their emotions and behaviour, including during times of crisis.

"Staff model kindness and patience and successfully diffuse any tensions.

Inspectors praised the high expectations the school has for students and their academic achievement, adding: “Everyone is determined to help them succeed and break the cycle of their former disengagement with education.

“Pupils are happy and feel that staff listen to them and understand their needs. Strong relationships and a sense of belonging increase pupils’ desire to be in school.

“They are well prepared for their return to mainstream education or their chosen career pathways through further education or employment.

"Priority is given to ensuring that pupils leave the school with a functional skills qualification or GCSE in English and mathematics.

"Many pupils achieve other academic, vocational and technical accreditations. Pupils excel in art and photography."

Herald Series: Meadowbrook College headteacher Jacqui West

Meadowbrook headteacher Jacqui West said: “It is so pleasing to see the work everyone is doing here to turn young lives around being officially recognised.

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"As the inspection noted, some pupils find their experiences with us to be life changing."

Meadowbrook is operated by Radcliffe Academy Trust.

Hayden Davies, chair of trustees for Radcliffe Academy Trust, said: “The Ofsted report highlights the success Meadowbrook College is having with many young people.

“This success is not easily achieved but is a reflection of the hard work, dedication and commitment that Jacqui and her staff make.”