New data has revealed the Oxfordshire primary schools with the highest reading, writing and maths scores for 2022-23.

The National Association of Head Teachers said government investment is needed to help pupils recover from the pandemic, as figures show the proportion of students meeting the expected mark is well below pre-pandemic levels.

Pupils scoring at least a scaled score of 100 out of 120 will have met the expected standard in the test.

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In Oxfordshire, Chadlington Church of England Primary School leads the way with 100 per cent of eligible students achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths in key stage two in the 2022-23 school year.

It also topped the county list for the best performing school for SATs exams taken this summer. 

For the latest figures, the Chadlington school was followed by Buckland Church of England Primary School, in Buckland near Faringdon, where 93 per cent of pupils met the standard.

In third place was Shiplake Church of England School, two miles south of Henley, where 92 per cent of pupils met the standard.

Sunningwell Church of England Primary School and Hailey Church of England Primary School, near Witney, had 91 per cent and 88 per cent scores respectively. 

However, school leaders' union the NAHT said ranking schools is simplistic and does not consider the context of the particular cohort or the community the school serves.

General secretary Paul Whiteman added: "No piece of data can provide an accurate picture of the effectiveness of schools, whose work goes far beyond that number, and league tables and ranking of schools should be scrapped.

"They can have damaging consequences and can actually be a barrier to improvement."

Herald Series: Penalty notices are normally issued to parents who fail to ensure their child attends schoolThe government aims for 90 per cent of key stage two children to meet the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.

Overall in England, 60 per cent of students met the standard in 2022-23 – up from 59 per cent the year before but below 65 per cent in 2018-19, before the pandemic.

A Department of Education spokesman said: “We know the pandemic had a significant impact on education globally which is why we have made £5 billion available since 2020 for education recovery initiatives.

"This includes just under five million tutoring course starts to date supporting pupils in all corners of the country."