Neighbours have been left in shock after an arrest has been made on suspicion of murder in connection with a South Oxfordshire woman's death.  

Residents of an estate in Faringdon have spoken out about the death at a property on their road. 

Thames Valley Police confirmed they were called to a property in Russ Avenue where a woman in her 40s was declared dead at the scene at around 1.30pm on Tuesday (February 6). 

The force also confirmed that her death is currently being classed as “unexplained”. The woman's next of kin have been informed, and are being supported by officers. 

A 52-year-old man, known to the woman, was arrested on suspicion of murder but has since been released on bail.

Herald Series: Police in Russ AvenuePolice in Russ Avenue (Image: Liam Davies)

Residents of Russ Avenue and Walker Drive witnessed seeing police walking in and out of the block of flats on the corner of both roads on Tuesday. 

Charles Wilson, a resident of Russ Avenue, said: “On Tuesday evening I saw many flashing blue lights from the kitchen window.

"I saw two flatbed lorries taking a vehicle from outside the flats.

“On Thursday a male officer knocked and asked basic questions. A female officer knocked again yesterday (Saturday) and asked me much of the same, but I informed her someone had already asked me.

“Weird things can happen anywhere, however just a few months ago a man died in those flats. His death was also classed as “unexplained,” however police said this incident was “unrelated”. I’ve lived here a year now, and it’s happened twice in that block of flats. 

“It’s rare to see anyone coming or going from those flats.”

Other residents, who didn’t wish to be named, said there had been a heavier police presence on the estate in the subsequent days, with police repeatedly knocking on doors and asking residents what they had seen. 

A resident of Gillians Way said police had knocked on his door, asking him and his partner if they had seen anything and asked for footage from his Ring Doorbell, asking him to email it to them. 

A single officer was viewed entering the flats multiple times on Sunday afternoon, with a marked car parked outside the flats, present throughout the afternoon.

Investigating officer Detective Inspector Ian D’Angeli said: “We are carrying out a thorough investigation to establish what has happened and are keeping an open mind. 

“Although a man has been arrested on suspicion of murder we would like to ask the public not to speculate about the circumstances as the investigation is at an early stage.

“There have been officers in the local area since Tuesday and you can talk to them should you have any questions or concerns.”

The Faringdon incident is the second murder arrest to rock the county this week. 

A man was arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the death of a woman found dead in an Abingdon neighbourhood last week. 

The 50-year-old man has since been released on bail. 

A woman in her 50s was found dead in her flat on Spenlove Close in Abingdon on Thursday, February 8.