A unisex toilet which has been designed with additional features to accommodate people with a range of disabilities has been opened in Wantage.

The changing places toilet has been installed in the public toilet block in Portway.

The upgraded building now includes a changing places toilet, an accessible toilet, a female toilet, a male toilet, and a unisex toilet.

Herald Series: The accessible toiletThe accessible toilet (Image: South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils)

The toilet uses low energy LED lights with sensors powered by solar panels to reduce electricity use.

Improvements have been made to washing and drying facilities to reduce water usage.

Councillor Andy Crawford, ward member for Wantage Charlton for Vale of White Horse District Council, said: "This toilet will help anyone, regardless of their disability, enjoy everything Wantage has to offer without the worry of needing the bathroom."

The project was funded jointly by a government grant, the developers, Wantage Town Council, and The Vale of White Horse District Council.

They contributed £100,000, £45,000, £12,000, and £66,500 respectively.

Councillor Patrick O'Leary, fellow ward member for Wantage Charlton, added: "I’m delighted that we have been able to utilise developer contributions and secure government funding, alongside support from the Town Council, to deliver these much-needed facilities that will make a big difference to the town."

Dr Angela Dunford, mayor of Wantage, said: “The opening of these new toilets will be a huge benefit for all of us. Having good facilities is very important. Thanks to all that made this happen.”