Chalgrove will have an additional defibrillator installed in the village.

Several local businesses joined forces to procure the life-saving device which will be launched at the Brook Doctors Surgery on April 12 at 11am.

Key contributors to the initiative include Chalgrove Gin distillery OX Gins, landlords Kate and Fitz at the Lamb pub, former Londis convenience store owner Bippin, and the housing association company Places for People.

Andy Long, the area's first responder, lent his expert advice with the project, and Will Lakin from L&R Electrical Installation Ltd installed the defibrillator at no charge.

Bob Clark, director of the Chalgrove Artisan Distillery, said: "We are immensely proud of the collaborative effort that has brought this project to fruition.

"This initiative exemplifies the power of community solidarity and underscores our collective commitment to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our fellow residents.

"By working together, we have demonstrated that we can achieve extraordinary outcomes for the betterment of our community."

Immediate access to a defibrillator significantly increases survival chances during cardiac arrests.

With more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurring annually in the UK, the defibrillator could potentially save countless lives in and around Chalgrove.