A South Oxfordshire artist says her first art exhibition will touch on themes of understanding mental health and neurodivergence. 

Eden Silver-Myer's artistic work including tapestries of multiple fabrics and colours will be featured during the Didcot Artweek. 

The art show is entitled Befriending My Brain and is an exploration of Ms Silver-Myer's "late-realised neurodivergence". 

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"It's about feeling like I finally have started to understand my mind, after 33 years of feeling like a square peg in round hole after round hole," she said. 

"After realising I am neurodivergent things made a lot more sense."

The show will run from May 1 to June 2 at Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot. 

Ms Silver-Myer is one of more than a thousand artists, makers and designers who will exhibit in galleries, churches, gardens and Oxford Colleges from May 4 to 27 for Oxfordshire  Artweeks.