More than 1,000 homes in the Vale of White Horse are set to be made available to people on Oxford City Council’s housing register to help meet the city's housing demand.

An agreement between the two councils means 1,100 affordable homes in the vale have been earmarked to help meet the demand in the next 10 years.

This will be in addition to affordable homes specifically for vale residents.

Planning authorities have a "duty to cooperate", meaning they must work in synergy with other councils and partners on strategic planning issues that will have an impact outside their immediate area.

Oxford’s Local Plan entails nearly 11,000 new homes by 2036, but this is inadequate to meet the overall housing need within the city’s administrative boundaries.

The 1,100 homes in the Vale of White Horse are part of 7,150 affordable homes set aside by Oxford’s neighbouring councils to meet the city’s housing need.

These include new developments near Abingdon, Radley and Kennington, and existing homes around Abingdon and Oxford.

Councillor Linda Smith, cabinet member for housing, said: "Oxford needs homes but we don’t have the room to provide all we need.

Herald Series: Linda SmithLinda Smith (Image: Oxford Mail)

"We’ve been working closely with our neighbouring councils on plans to deliver homes as near to the city as possible.

"I’m really pleased people on our housing register or with a local connection to Oxford can now apply for an affordable home in the Vale of White Horse."

Housing applicants can qualify for an affordable vale home if they are on Oxford’s housing register or can demonstrate a connection to the city via work, family, or past residence.

The affordable rented homes will be advertised on the Vale of White Horse Homechoice website once they are ready for occupation.

Those interested in viewing and bidding should apply to join the vale’s housing register.

Applications and allocation will be managed by the vale’s housing team in alignment with its own banding scheme.

The bidding is exclusive to specific homes near Oxford and not throughout the whole Vale of White Horse area.

The Vale Homechoice website will give details of the affordable rent in each property advert. The maximum rent will be set at local housing allowance rates.

As Oxford is the only council in Oxfordshire to have kept its council housing, new tenants will be housing association rather than council tenants.

Prospective tenants interested in affordable home ownership may consider shared ownership or the government’s First Homes scheme.

Potential shared owners can purchase directly from providers listed on the government website.