A Thames Valley Police officer has been fired for responding to an incident at high speeds without the required training claiming he qualified in another force.

PC Christopher Forshaw was dismissed at an accelerated miscounted hearing held earlier this month (Friday, May 3) for gross misconduct, namely a breach of the standard in professional behaviour for being “dishonest” on two separate occasions.

The former officer was a passenger in a marked police vehicle which was deployed to a road traffic collision on February 5, 2023.

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Mr Foreshaw told his crew mate that he had a “good knowledge of the roads in the area”, and offered to drive the police vehicle to the incident.

He then drove the police vehicle hitting a speed of 69mph in a 40mph zone on route to the incident.

Following this he had to fill in a driver risk form asking him to account for his speed.

After the document was reviewed in June 2023, a safer driver lead inspector noted that he was a non-driver and his response “was very poor and bordering on obstructive”.

As a result, the inspector met with Mr Forshaw who he allegedly lied by falsely claiming that he had qualified as a response driver while serving in another force and was entitled to drive for Thames Valley Police.

He is said to have claimed that his driving training record was incomplete and had not been transferred over to Thames Valley Police correctly.

Thames Valley Police say the driver training units in the other forces confirmed that he had not attended any relevant driving courses and therefore was not authorised to drive police vehicles at speed with lights and sirens illuminated.

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It is also said that the inspector overheard a conversation during visits in July 2023, between him and his sergeant where the former officer claimed he had a medical condition.

He was then asked if he had disclosed this to occupation health and the driver risk unit it is said by police that Mr Forshaw confirmed that he had notified both units.

The driver risk unit manager confirmed there is no record of his medical condition prior to July 30, 2023.

However, the occupational health unit did confirm that Mr Forshaw did make a medical disclosure but “failed to reveal the full extent”.

Chief Constable at  Thames Valley Police said: “I found on the balance of probabilities that former PC Forshaw had been dishonest on two occasions to two separate supervisors.

“On this basis, I have come to the view that the behaviour was not a mistake or error on behalf of the officer but shows a course of conduct that he is fundamentally a dishonest individual.

“The law provides an exemption for police officers driving at excess speed in attending certain types of incidents.

“Former PC Forshaw broke the law by driving at speed with the full knowledge that he was not entitled to do this as he has not attended the relevant training and passed the relevant course.”

Thames Valley Police declined to release where the former officer was based.