A HOUSING association has been forced to increase the amount of social homes at a Wantage development due to the recession.

Thames Valley Housing made the decision to increase the number of affordable homes for rent at its St Mary’s development by almost 50 per cent following a drop-off in the market.

The decision means the site, at the former St Mary’s School, in Newbury Street, will have 97 properties available at affordable rent as opposed to the original plan of 65. In total, there are 195 new homes, 98 of which will be available for shared ownership.

Last night, residents hit out at the decision, claiming it could lead to problems in the area.

One resident, who asked not to be named, said: “The decision to increase the amount of affordable rent homes is madness. It will pull people from outside Wantage into the town and I just don’t understand the thinking behind it.

“Many people are concerned that it will knock a hundred grand off the price of their property. From start to finish, the process has been poor.”

Another resident, who also asked to remain anonymous, said: “The people around here are very upset with the council allowing this change to happen.

“The development was a huge chance to rejuvenate the area, bring some money to the place, but to increase the social housing in the centre of the town is ridiculous. I think it’s very likely anti-social behaviour will increase and there will be a knock-on effect to the properties nearby.”

In 2006, it was announced St Mary’s School was to leave the site and merge with a school in Ascot. It closed at the end of the summer term in 2007.

The first set of properties were completed and sold last month.

The remaining properties will be completed and sold on a phased basis until July 2011.

Wantage mayor Patrick O’Leary said: “I feel it is important to have a mixture of rented and shared ownership, so this increase is a good idea.

“It has to be recognised there are people who need rented accommodation.

“I do think, however, the site is overdeveloped and we have to get back to building three- and four-bedroom houses.”

Rosalind Grozier, spokesman for Thames Valley Housing, said: “It was decided to decrease the number of homes for shared ownership and increase the number for affordable rent in response to the current downturn in the housing market.

“There is a high demand for both in the Vale of White Horse.

“The totals for affordable rent and affordable home ownership at St Mary’s will ensure a balanced community that allows more people in housing need to live in well-designed, desirable accommodation.”