Arrangements have started for construction of a Lidl superstore on the east of Grove Road and is said to open early 2024.

This was granted by the Vale of White Horse District Council however, even though Lidl has been submitting plans for 2 years, they were rejected due to possibly taking up too much green land. Luckily, in 2023 it was accepted with the help of the public who love the idea. Shoppers are thrilled to get a Lidl as some say that other retail shops are over priced, particularly the co-op in Grove, which is just a local convenient store and not a supermarket which has more product selection and competitive pricing. Travelling to the Co-op for some people can also be difficult if you don't live in Grove, which may make Lidl an easier option as it is situated practically inbetween Grove and Wantage. Nearby housing is taking up most green land with hardly any shops which makes it harder to access basic needs. Sainsburys is near by, but it hardly constitutes as "budget friendly" and in the current financial climate, people need as many savings as they can get.

A new Lidl will spark opportunity for new employment as students in secondary schools may be looking for part time jobs. A year 11 student of King Alfred’s Academy, William Pearce stated "This is a great chance for other students to find work, and start making some pay. It is a shame it wasn't built earlier as I think it is a good addition to our community".

Now Lidl has been accepted for construction, the local community is happy and it is a better option than to fill the land with yet more housing developments.