Sir, I read the letter “Utter contempt” in last week’s Herald, first with amusement then with dismay. Does Mr Loftin really believe that the three councils he mentions have nothing better to do than have meetings about what name a new housing estate can or cannot be called?

As for “Letcombe Fields”, as I’m only 54 I decided to ask some older friends of mine where these fields are exactly — nobody had a clue.

We know there are fields in between Wantage and Letcombe, are they all “Letcombe Fields” or are they particular fields?

Can we visit these fields or will a farmer be most upset if me and my family tramp across his pasture?

If you can’t, why would you want a signpost directing you to a field in the middle of nowhere?

Will the said farmer be most upset if people keep coming up to him and asking to view his house?

Before the Stockham Park estate was built, this area would have been open fields. You would have had to walk across these fields to get from Grove to Letcombe. Could this new Letcombe Fields actually, originally, have been part of the “Ancient Letcombe Fields”, so having a legitimate claim to the name?

Nick Abbott

Mably Way
