Sir, I moved to Abingdon three years ago with fond memories of my grandparents reminiscing of Abingdon being an historic independent town.

Unfortunately, the Abingdon councillors of the 1970s made poor judgement by providing the town with the precinct, but, that aside, Abingdon was on the map and was a place shared with fondness of tourists and residents alike.

My grandparents have since died and so has the town. The town has recently gone through the phase of being yet another “clone town”, with shops such as Fat Face, Dorothy Perkins, Costa Coffee and, until recently, Cargo.

But the “clone town” is fast disintegrating with an influx of pound saver-type shops and, of course, the ever-increasing charity shops.

But I suppose I’m in disbelief with the council’s unbelievable current feats of logic. I couldn’t believe my eyes after reading the papers.

The museum will soon be closed for work until 2012 due to a £3.5m grant being invested, and then the Old Gaol development will take two/three years to complete, um, for what?

I’m sure I’m not the only person who questions what is going on there. OK, “green roofs”, solar panels and “grey water recycling”, how exciting. . . um, what else?

But, like the council said, it will attract a “high profile of tourists”.

May I be so bold as to suggest that the town councillors perhaps visit a traditional local Abingdon pub, sample a (not so) local ale and then have a reality check.

Lara Woodley Sherwood Avenue Abingdon