The five Kennet DC members competing in the two-piece Championships held at the Phoenix Gym, Maidenhead, were delighted to bring home two medals apiece.

Rebecca Griffin, competing in OOA (out of age) level 5, won gold on bars and silver on beam.

Polly Hitchings took gold for both the floor and bars in IA (in age) level 4.

Competing in OOA junior 3, Abbie Rawlings won double silver for her beam and floor.

In senior level 3, Stephanie Burbidge, competing for the first time this season, won her vault and bars routines.

Joanna Tooley won won gold for her floor and silver on vault in senior level 2.

The previous week, Hitchings finished tenth overall in level 14 in age finals at Rushmoor.

With a poised opening routine on the beam, she included a straddle to handstand mount, back-flick and a cartwheel tuck-back dismount.

For her excellent floor exercise, she rewarded with 10.64, while she recorded 11.00 in the vault.

She finished with an outstanding bars routine and was the only gymnast in level 4 to include a giant back-away around the wooden bar.