Perhaps you’ve whizzed past Didcot Railway Centre on your way to London.

More likely, while waiting for your train to shove off from Didcot Parkway rather than whizzing anywhere, you’ve glanced at the nostalgic collection of steam engines on their alternate track next to the modern one. Didcot Railway Centre has seen an upsurge in visitors, with about 4,000 more steam fans through the door last month than the tail end of last summer.

However, according to the centre’s Ann Middleton (no relation to the great Kate) the bulk of visitors arrive from the far corners of the globe rather than Oxfordshire.

“We have visitors from the most far-flung places,” says Ann, “and many of them are travelling the country and call in to see the steam trains. We had a couple from Australia recently and they wanted their picture taken on the gangplate. As it was quiet I was happy to help, and they said it made their trip.”

The centre boasts a unique collection of Great Western Railway steam engines, coaches, wagons, buildings and small relics which are a beauty to behold whether you’re a trainspotter or a rank outsider with an Oyster card.

Engineering enthusiasts will love the recreation of Brunel’s broad gauge railway and, even though the weather now has a nip in the air, Didcot has a huge picnic space for tots to run around in the rural slab of land alongside the original 1930s engine train shed. However, for most families, it’s Thomas who is the big draw.

Days Out With Thomas the Tank Engine & his friends run frequently with the next chance to meet the Fat Controller, Sir Topham Hat and others.

There is little to beat the thrill of your first steam train ride behind Thomas with a tot in tow, and these events also feature children’s entertainment from Twistopher and Twistina to Professor Crump’s clowning, magic tricks to circus skills.

Running days take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27, with an extra half-term event on Wednesday, October 30, when Thomas will be welcomed by his friends the Great Western engines. This is a not-to-miss chance to meet Thomas and his friends Duck & Diesel on the branch line and enjoy as many rides on them as you can cram into a day (10am to 5pm). Thomas story readings will be held hourly from 11am in the Imagination Station and there are lots of sticker and souvenir collecting opportunities for eager beavers.