ASIDE from fruit and veg, a popular topic of conversation at our stops, and I suppose around the country, is the weather.

Working outside means our team is a pretty aware of the incremental changes from season to season and this past week you could really sense the shift from summer to autumn.

Although I don’t want to wish the summer away too early I find myself craving all things autumnal: piping hot mugs of cocoa, log fires, snuggly scarves and cosy comfort food.

It feels like my hob is crying out for a big pot of steaming soup or casserole.

So when I asked Jack Greenall, chef at Smoke and Thyme, to create some seasonal recipes to help our customers take on our #harvestchallenge I was pleased to find a pumpkin curry recipe amongst the suggestions.

Combining our local squash and local chillies, it’s a sweet yet spicy way to enjoy some autumn produce. Although any pumpkin would work, Jack recommends using our Uchiki Kuri squash, grown at Westmill Organics.

With butter-coloured flesh that is smoother than a butternut squash, this teardrop-shaped pumpkin has a sunset-coloured rind and distinctive chestnut flavour.

The Uchiki Kuri is hard-skinned and can be difficult to peel, but once cooked the rind softens and is perfectly edible so I’d leave the skin on. All you’ll need to do is scoop out the seed, but make sure you keep them to roast later for a delicious snack.

I love that Jack’s recipe, which is now on the Cultivate website, makes the glowing orange flesh of the Uchiki Kuri the star of the plate, calling for it to be roasted it in large crescent moon shaped wedges and presenting it atop the curry sauce rather than chopping it into small cubes and mixing it in.

I can’t wait to give this a go, though I’m not too worried if I don’t manage it as Jack will be serving this dish at his next Locavore Feast event in October, details of which can be found at .