Sir, As a Didcot resident for the past 22 years, I too was saddened by the demolition of Didcot Power Station towers.

As I was unable to see the towers demolished, I took a walk afterwards upon the Ladygrove Hill to see the altered skyline. It was not the sight of the missing towers that took my breath away, but the mess that greeted me on top of the hill — numerous bottles were discarded, food wrappers, beer boxes, even someone’s old dressing gown. What a complete mess, rubbish everywhere.

Surely the people who watched and partied on the hill, yes I mean you, could you not have at least cleared away your mess?

If the bins were full, then surely it is not beyond the wit of man to at least put your rubbish in the bags that you carried your bottles and food in, then take it home and dispose of accordingly as Didcot has a very good home rubbish collection facility.

Could these people just take a minute and be responsible for their own mess instead of leaving it for others to clear up.

They say that the towers should have stayed as they were a focal point to Didcot. Well, so is a clean Didcot. Let us hope next year more responsible people will go to the hill and the people who want to leave their litter will stay at home.

Paul Duncan
