Sir – I would like to clarify Joe Gammie’s statement on the front of last week’s Abingdon Herald, that “further doubts were raised when the former chairman of the Guildhall Committee, Iain Littlejohn, did not stand for re-election in May”.

I did put myself forward for election and was selected to stand as one of the Conservative Party Candidates for Fitzharris Ock.

I submitted my nomination papers to the party which were then witnessed by my proposer and seconder. Regrettably my papers were subsequently lost by a party official and the election agent did not pick up the omission until after the papers for all the candidates had been formally submitted.

Obviously, I spotted the error when the names of candidates were published, but unfortunately it was not legally possible to correct the error at that point.

I would like to make it clear that this course of events is in no way a reflection on my personal commitment to the creation of a revitalised, financially sustainable Guildhall, including a cinema, theatre, cafe-bar and facilities for community groups. My last act as chairman was to attend a very exciting series of presentations from a range of potential operators which set out a variety of realistic and achievable proposals which would deliver this vision for the town. I sincerely hope the Council will take this once in a generation opportunity to make a real difference to our town centre, and move forward with one of these proposals.

I wish my successor, Dennis Garrett, and the council more generally, well with the project, and my only regret is that, as I am no longer a councillor, I am now unable to see the project through to completion personally.

Iain Littlejohn
Park Road